2013 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 1300 W/6000 N

2013 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 1300 W/6000 N

Dear Santa,

It’s me, Bobby. I’m sad today because my friend, Will, is really sick and doesn’t have a house or food. But you know what he says is worst is that nobody ever looks into his eyes. He said he wishes he had more friends like me and mom because his heart feels warm and he has a dignity. Santa, what when someone is sad, and they ask for help, why do people pretend they’re not there? You taught me to stay my heart open but more I see people with busted hearts just hurting other people. For Christmas Santa, all I want is for friends like Will, that grown ups look into his eyes so that they can see his good heart. Please help me with this wish. I don’t ‘ care about the other stuff,



As the writer of the Giant Letters, my job is to take stock of the people and events that have carried some weight over the course of a year, and to weave them all into a one-page story that hopes to offer emotional healing and transformation to its readers. I’ve been hesitant to share what inspires the letters, as the stories behind them are often difficult, but as violence and apathy surge in our world, I feel that creating an emotional context for discussion around it is key to our social healing. - Caro