Hand-written letters on giant (12-foot tall) lined paper between a fictional boy named Bobby and various characters in his life have been appearing in the front yards of homes in Chicago, Illinois and Austin, Texas since 2012.
Using the scale ratio of 1:12, Giant Letter has constructed objects such as a 7-foot slice of pumpkin pie, a 9-foot pencil, 9-foot pen, 3-foot cookies, a 4-foot cappuccino cup, giant dice and a 30-foot tape measure. Miniatures have often been featured in the installations too, such as the miniature planet Earth, spinning atop a giant microscope slide, sitting upon an 8-foot science book.
The creators worked annually from 2012 until 2022 to produce installations in both Chicago and Austin in an effort to help foster human connection through its story. Through the years, as the page-long stories have unfolded in the leaf drifts of autumn and the snow covered flowers of Spring, strangers have met and found connection within the universal theme of a boy's care for his mother and her love for him. We hope you can stop by and enjoy a letter soon!
Team Giant Letter